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SABIC introduces short-glass fiber-reinforced PP compounds for automot…

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SABIC introduces short-glass fiber-reinforced PP compounds for automotive applictaions

SABIC introduces two new short-glass fiber-reinforced PP compounds, SABIC PP compound G3430X and SABIC PP compound G3440X grades, offering enhanced performance and processing for demanding automotive under-hood, exterior and interior applications.

They surpass high-performing standard short-glass fiber materials in melt flow, tensile and flexural strength, and flexural modulus. SABIC PP compound G3430X and G3440X grades give customers new opportunities to raise the performance bar for automotive structural components such as brackets, seat structures and center consoles.

Furthermore, thanks to their thin-wall capability, both materials can be used to design parts with lower mass and weight.


SABIC's G3430X and G3440X grades are developed for automotive applications, such as electronic components base plates (left) and center consoles (right).

SABIC PP compound G3430X grade, with 30% short glass fiber, and SABIC PP compound G3440X grade, with 40%, deliver superior physical properties when compared to conventional short glass fiber PP materials and high melt flow for easy processing.

Both grades deliver balance of stiffness and impact for optimal performance in structural parts, with SABIC PP compound G3440X providing a higher degree of stiffness and greater density than the SABIC PP compound G3430X grade.

In addition to offering high performance compared to other short glass fiber PP compounds, these materials may be candidates for the cost-effective replacement of long glass fiber PP in certain low-temperature applications.

Combined with high stiffness and very good impact properties, the high melt flow of these materials offers opportunities to design thin-wall components to reduce weight without compromising overall part performance.

Besides helping to improve overall performance of the vehicle, reducing weight may also contribute to cost savings through the use of less material. Furthermore, cost benefits can accrue from higher productivity associated with faster cycle times, which can be enabled by higher flow.

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우진플라임 대표이사 : 김익환
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