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Innovia Films launches carbon neutral sustainable PP packaging films

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Innovia Films launches carbon neutral sustainable PP packaging films 

Innovia Films is launching a new film in its Encore range of Sustainable Polypropylene packaging films. REF30cn has a high level of certified renewable content (via ISCC PLUS mass balance) specifically achieving carbon neutral on a cradle to gate basis from the Innovia UK site.


Technically, the film performance matches that of the fossil-based equivalent so it can be used in both high-speed horizontal flow-wrap and overwrap applications. The film is also fully food contact compliant.



Innovia Films is introducing Encore REF30cn packaging film into the market.

“With a growing focus on carbon footprint and a desire to reduce the impact on our environment through global warming, we are introducing Encore REF30cn into the market,” said Paul Watters, Product Development Manager Packaging, Innovia Films. “This film addresses these issues by having a high certified renewable content which in turn reduces the films carbon footprint to the position of being carbon neutral.”


According to the company, REF30cn will be the first of a number of Encore products it will bring to the market where the focus will not only be on certified renewable materials and carbon footprint but also on the use of certified recycled materials.


REF30cn has been classified as Made for Recycling by Interseroh. Paul Watters explained, “The Interseroh certification further enhances the sustainable benefits of this film, it can be classified as ‘recycle ready’, or recyclable in countries which have the infrastructure to recycle polypropylene.”

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